
Through specialized training, I want to help you develop into the Dominant Animal locked inside of you. It will not be easy, you may not like it, and only the strong at heart need apply. Through quality instruction, high-intensity training, and a competitive environment of your peers I can unlock and release that animal.
The question is: Will you allow me to unlock the athlete in you? Whether you have set a sports goal or general fitness, it does not matter what your age is or your size, you come for a service and I will provide that service to the best of my ability.
Gorilla Strength and Fitness for adults and young athletes. It offers young athletes a foundation to grow both athletically and personally. Senior athletes gain leadership skills, and the drive and potential to become whatever they set their minds to. Many of whom go on to be successful college athletes. To those struggling youth, we provide mentoring to ensure that they receive the guidance they need to follow a path of success.
At Gorilla Strength and Fitness, we believe your past should not dictate your future. No matter what sport you play the focus is still the same, "Success is Mandatory". Through the method of progressive load, athletes complete specialized age-specific programs developed by a certified sports performance trainer.