Gorilla Youth Inc.

The U.S. Census Bureau reported in 2010 that 24.1% of children living in Harrison County live under the poverty line. West Virginia ranks 3rd in the U.S. in obesity, a statistic that needs to change immediately. We, at Gorilla Youth Inc., feel the urgency to meet this problem head-on and created Gorilla Youth Inc. a 501(c) nonprofit organization, established in January 2014. Many of our area youth's environments are poverty-stricken, often neglected, have poor nutritional habits, are obese, and lack the stability necessary to succeed academically. Our strategy is simple: to attack poverty and obesity through education, motivation, accountability, and hard work. By collaborating with individuals and businesses we are ready to tackle the daily challenges our youth face.
The mission of Gorilla Youth Inc. is to focus on children who are considered: at risk, academically challenged, financially stricken, or obese. The goal is to provide each student with a mentor, access to computers and printers, and study hall 2 days a week while participating in athletic training. Mentors will monitor each student’s grades, encourage and motivate students to be accountable for their actions, and give back to their community. Tutors will be on-site daily. Gorilla Strength and Fitness will provide athletic training, and children who are obese will have the opportunity to meet with a Certified Nutrition Consultant. Please join us in our fight to demonstrate to children that poverty does not limit your potential to be successful.
For each of our sponsors, we will proudly display a banner/sign with your company logo in our facility, and link your company website on the Gorilla Strength & Fitness and Gorilla Youth Inc. websites. As a token of our appreciation, individuals/corporations will receive a plaque identifying their sponsorship level. In addition, we will offer discounts on all Gorilla Strength & Fitness services to all your employees and their immediate family, based on your sponsorship level. We proudly provide all our services at a reasonable cost, to assist you in keeping your employees healthy, active, and productive.